As much as we like pampering our pets by constantly treating them with snacks from our plate, it is our responsibility as a pet owner to feed them right. Moreover, who can resist those big brown eyes and that grin begging us to feed them from our table spread? But before you do so, make sure you are not feeding anything harmful and toxic to them unknowingly. What is food for us can, actually, be poisonous to them. Follow down the list to find out what these food items are in detail.
Chocolate, Coffee, and Caffeine
All these products contain methylxanthines which are harmful to pets. When ingested by pets, it can lead to panting, thirst, urination, seizures, diarrhea, hyperactivity, heart problem and even death. Dark chocolate is more harmful than milk chocolate since they have more methylxanthines content in them. Should you find the need of taking your pet for medical assistance, contact your veterinarian at Virginia Beach Animal Hospital.
Coconut and Coconut Oil
Coconut and coconut-based food items don’t have any dire consequence on the health of pets if ingested in small quantity. Since it has rich oil content, it should be fed to the pets.
Grapes and Raisins
The toxic substance found in raisins and grapes are still unknown to the vets but what is known is that it can cause severe damage to the kidney. If you suspect that your pet has possibly eaten raisin in high quantity, waste no time in bring him to Virginia Beach Veterinary for timely aid.
Macadamia Nuts
For most breeds of dogs and cats, Macadamia nuts are highly toxic as it can cause depression, vomiting weakness, and hyperthermia in them. The effect of these nuts can be seen within 12 hours of ingestion.
Milk and Dairy
Animals do not possess a significant amount of enzyme that breaks down milk in them which means overfeeding them can upset their digestive system and lead to diarrhea.
Since nuts are high in fat and oil content, overfeeding of these can lead to diarrhea and vomiting. At times, it can cause pancreatitis in pets. Avoid feeding nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans to pets.
Onions, Garlic, Chives
Any vegetable or herb remotely associated with the lily family is a strict no-no for pets. Vegetables like onions, garlic, and chives can cause gastrointestinal irritation in pets. This can even result in the damage of red blood cells.
Raw/Undercooked Meat, Eggs and Bones
Raw meat and eggs might contain Salmonella and E. coli bacteria that are harmful to both humans and pets alike. An enzyme called avidin present in raw egg decreases the absorption of biotin leading to skin problems in pets. Besides choking, you’re pet, if given raw or under cooked bone, may sustain serious injury if the bone splinters or puncture his digestive tract.
Salt and Salted treats
Intake of salt in high quantity leads to excessive thirst and urination. Even worse, your pet can contact sodium ion poisoning. Signs of sickness caused due to excessive intake of salty food could include diarrhea, vomiting, depression, the rise of body temperature, seizure, and tremors. Refrain from feeding snacks to your pets that contain too much sodium.
Used as an artificial sweetener, xylitol can be found in many products like candies, baked goods, and toothpaste. In most species of dogs and cats, the intake of xylitol can lead to the release of insulin that can further result in liver failure.
Yeast Dough
The thing with yeast dough is it rises and causes gas to accumulate in your pet’s stomach. It can let to bloating and severe pain. If not treated in time, it can result in a life-threatening emergency. Since ethanol is the by-product of yeast and dog ingests raw bread dough, there are high chances that he might get drunk.